By Dr. Katka Novakova, MD (Europe), ND
There are many tools to help you to prevent and fight off ANY kind of flu. I know there is a lot of pressure to get the seasonal flu vaccine, however, I do not recommend getting a flu shot or use the flu mist version. As a naturopathic physician, I know the body can fight off any flu with the proper support of the immune system. I have seen ozone treatment work very fast for many cases of mild or severe flu.
Dan Rees, a patient of mine, showed up at my office last winter with a bad case of flu and shortness of breath so severe he was ready to go to the ER. His response to ozone treatment: “I felt better the next day after the first treatment. I have used this when getting sick instead of antibiotics and flu shots. With the first signs of a cold or flu starting, it stops it immediately.”
How to PREVENT the flu:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Drink enough water even in the winter months, eat a well balanced nutritious diet and take a good multi vitamin and fish oil.
- 2000-4000 I.U. of vitamin D daily has been shown to help to prevent the flu.
- You can take a “Homeopathic flu vaccine”, called Influenzinum, via oral homeopathic pellets taken 1 pellet every 3 weeks throughout the flu season. It’s effective and has no adverse reactions.
- You can also take an oral immune system support formula as prevention (i.e. Biotic Extra, or other) at 2 caps/tabs once or twice daily.
- Another great way to keep to flu away is so called minor autohemotherapy (where small amount of blood is taken out of the body, ozonated and injected back into a muscle), this stimulates the production of natural killer cells and the nonspecific part of the immune system – the one that helps to prevent and fight off the flu!) Best once a month.
At the first sign of flu:
Homeopathic Oscillococcinum (from Boiron) taken every 2-3 hours together with immune system formula (such as Biotic Extra at 2 every 2-3 hours), high dose vitamin D3 and C, proper diet (with avoidance of sugars and simple carbohydrates) and constitutional hydrotherapy on a daily basis — all those can be done at home!
Or we can administer a stronger treatment in the office, if the above were not sufficient, such as hydrogen peroxide IV, high dose vitamin C IV, or major ozone therapy to help your immune system fight the flu!
At any rate – it is your own immune system that will help you to overcome any flu and there are a lot of tools to help it and strengthen it!