As a naturopathic doctor in Phoenix, Dr. Katka Novakova specializes in treating each patient’s health using methods that consider the whole body. Naturopathic medicine may be considered an art, a science, a philosophy and a practice of diagnosis, treatment and illness prevention. In other words, naturopathic physicians work with nature to restore health to each patient.
Visiting a naturopathic clinic in Phoenix exposes patients to a system of treatment and healing that may seem unfamiliar at first. Here’s a closer look at the naturopathic principles:
- Healing power of nature: Naturopathic physicians work with nature to support the inner wisdom of the body.
- Do no harm: The goal is to provide the best results while keeping intervention to a minimum.
- Treat the whole: A naturopathic doctor in Phoenix will emphasize the connections between mind, body and spirit. Through holistic treatment, the patient’s overall wellbeing should also improve.
- Teach and nurture: Naturopathic medicine involves taking the time to go over treatment options, answer questions and empower patients to take charge of their own healing.
- Treat the cause: By identifying and focusing on treating the root problem, a naturopathic doctor in Phoenix goes beyond merely masking or suppressing symptoms.
- Promote overall wellness: Naturopathic treatment encourages patients to adapt and adhere to healthy lifestyle practices to promote overall health and wellness.
A naturopathic doctor in Phoenix will have attended four years of graduate school through an accredited program to gain training in science and clinical practice. This training is focused natural modalities for disease prevention and treatment. Naturopathic treatment modalities include acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, nutrition, mind-body medicine, manipulation, IV therapy and primary care for wellness, all of which are key focal points of naturopathic doctors’ training.
In Arizona, naturopathic doctors have the ability to prescribe most medications, but will generally opt for natural therapies first.
To get in touch with Dr. Katka Novakova, call her naturopathic clinic in Phoenix at 480-524-4304 to make an appointment.