The AAO adheres to the highest standards in the administration of medical ozone, therefore the ozone generators used and approved are of the highest quality.
Here are the basic shortened guidelines:
This applies to all generators used in direct human or animal medical applications. This includes sauna, rectal, injectable, topical, and all other applications used in humans. It does not apply to generators solely used for decontaminating surfaces, food, medical instruments, or air, etc. The AAO believes that only the purest forms of ozone/oxygen mixtures can be safely used for medical applications of any kind on human subjects.
All ozone generators for human or animal (in office or at home) use must bear a safety approval sticker such as ETL, CSA, UL, or QAI.
No generator for human or animal use (in office or at home) must be constructed of any substances that come into contact with ozone other than quartz glass, kynar, Teflon, or silicone. This includes all other materials such as ceramic, other plastics, aluminum, and steel.
For more comprehensive guidelines.
Right now the only generator company that sells generators in the United States that has submitted evidence that they meet these criteria is Longevity Resources in Canada ( and Sedecal.
Dr. Katka is a proud user of the newest technology ozone generator from Longevity Resources, Canada.
For more information on their newest NEOSTM – Newly Enhanced Ozone System Technology – the most advanced Ozone System Technology in the world!