The toxic load on our bodies has increased significantly, guides Dr. Katka Novakova
The human body is powerfully self-regulating, constantly working toward a state of balance called homeostasis. It is designed to get rid of internally generated waste, as well as external toxins, through detoxification systems of the liver, gallbladder, colon, kidneys, skin and lungs, all supported by healthy flow of blood and the lymph. Over the past 30 to 50 years, however, the toxic load on our bodies has increased significantly, and with it, the demand for detoxification. Currently, more than 80,000 different chemicals have been released into the environment with few oversights or controls.
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), created in 1976, failed to create a sufficient way to monitor and control the long-term effects that most of these substances have on the human body and the environment. Chemicals such as DDT and PCB were banned more than 30 years ago, yet studies are still finding those chemicals in samples of the adipose (fatty) tissue of adults and children today.
At the same time, the nutritional value of the food we consume has declined in the last few decades, leaving our body with fewer minerals and vitamins that aid in detoxification. Many illnesses today may be directly related to high levels of toxins in the body, including allergies and food sensitivities, low energy and excessive fatigue, muscle pain of unknown origin, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivities, miscarriages and infertility.
Many of the chemicals prevalent in our environment are strong endocrine, nervous and immune system disruptors, and may contribute to conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroiditis, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hormonal (prostate, breast and uterine) cancers, endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, poor concentration, brain fog, excessive forgetfulness, depression, mood changes, headaches, migraines and ADHD.
Obesity and difficulty losing weight can also be symptoms of toxicity—the body stores toxins in adipose tissue and if detoxification is not optimal, the body will not support weight loss or many will experience intense detoxification symptoms while losing weight. Here are some of the best ways to help our body deal with toxins.
Use toxin- and scent-free cleaning products, laundry detergents, skin care, makeup and personal care products, drink clean water and eat organic food as much as possible.
Support your body with nutrients through a healthy, well balanced diet with high nutritional value rich in raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, including fresh vegetable juices and superfoods such as spirulina, goji berries and raw cacao. Regular physical activity helps blood and lymph movement, which supports healthy detoxification, as well.
Eliminate current and past toxins by ensuring healthy daily bowel movements. Fiber, in the form of raw food, flaxseed, chia seeds or psyllium husks may be helpful, as will a magnesium supplement.
A more comprehensive cleanse to help eliminate excessive toxins built up over a long period of time may also be needed. It is recommended to do a colon cleanse prior to or in conjunction with a liver/gallbladder cleanse, because the liver eliminates bile into the colon.
Our overall health is dependent on our body’s ability to quickly and efficiently eliminate toxins. It is increasingly important to be proactive in identifying and reducing our toxic exposure, while simultaneously supporting our body’s ability to optimally detoxify through healthy lifestyle choices.
Contact Dr. Katka Novakova at 480-524-4304 with any questions or to ask about her 21 Day Cleanse.